Lenon Oliveira

Python code linters and analyzers

Code linters are great for finding errors, bugs, and code smells before they reach production. They help keep the code base readable, maintainable, and consistent. Some linters are focused only on code style, while others can offer more in-depth refactoring suggestions.

In this post, I made a small list to compare some of the available code linters for Python because a lot has changed since the last time I checked them. I included a brief description of the most relevant features of each one of them, and at the end of this post, I share what I think makes sense for new Python projects.

Let’s get started by remembering what PEP 8 is.


PEP 8 is a document that defines a style guide for writing Python code. It contains rules about the use of tabs or spaces, how many of them to use, how to indent code, what is the correct order of imports, among many other suggestions.

Style linters for Python usually follow PEP 8.


Black is an auto-formatter for Python, similar to gofmt. It follows PEP 8, has minimal configuration options, and is very opinionated about how your code should look.

Black only cares about style, so it is safe to use. It checks that the code before and after formatting is semantically equivalent by comparing their ASTs.

One of the advantages of using auto-formatters like Black is that they help reduce bikeshedding in code reviews. Developers will have more time to focus on what is important since there’s no code style to discuss. You just have to run Black and that’s all.


Pylint is a static code analyzer for Python. It can check for errors, code style, code smells, suggest refactorings, and even detect duplicated code. It follows PEP 8 by default, but it is also highly configurable, so you can adapt it to follow your own conventions.

In my experience, Pylint is a powerful and useful tool. I like that it warns about mutable default arguments, unused variables and imports, and many other issues. Unfortunately, it is a bit slow for large projects, so if you want to integrate it with your CI workflow, you may need to disable some messages.

It also emits some false positives that you may need to look at and even disable depending on the context.


Pyflakes is a simple tool that can detect code errors. It is a faster but limited alternative to Pylint. It has no configuration, does not check for style, and tries “very hard to never emit false positives.” Pyflakes is a good alternative if Pylint is too slow for you.


pycodestyle is another tool that can detect violations of PEP 8. It is fast, but also very simple and limited in what it can detect. It’s possible to configure which messages to ignore.


autopep8 can auto-format Python code to follow PEP 8. Under the hood, it uses pycodestyle.


Flake8 is a wrapper around Pyflakes, pycodestyle, and McCabe complexity checker. It groups all those tools under a single command, and adds some features, like the ability to skip files and ignore specific errors on a line.


isort is a tool focused on organizing imports. It is a highly configurable auto-formatter and can sort imports alphabetically, into sections, and by type. By default, it follows the order recommended by PEP 8. It has a profile that is compatible with Black.


Bandit is a code analyzer that is designed to find security issues. It can warn about unsafe function calls, hardcoded paths, passwords, and insecure hashing algorithms (like MD5, SHA1), among other things.


Vulture is focused on finding unused Python code. It is useful to keep the code base organized and reduce the burden of having to maintain code that is not even used anymore.

In dynamic languages like Python, tools like Vulture will eventually incorrectly flag or miss dead code. This does not make it less useful, but you’ll need to take a closer look to make sure the report makes sense or not.

Which one should I use?

Older projects are often more complicated to change and depend on various aspects, like which Python is in use, if there’s good test coverage (if any), etc. It’s hard to recommend anything that would work in all contexts.

On the other hand, if you are starting a new Python project or your project is still small, I would recommend Black for style, isort for imports, and Pylint for other refactoring suggestions. Bandit and Vulture are also good options to use.

#Python #Code Quality #Linters